On Going Projects
Modification of Iron Ore Terminal on as is where is basis to also handle common user coal
KPL has signed an agreement for an iron ore terminal on a 30 years BOT basis in September 2006 with the project company SICAL Iron ore Terminal Limited (SIOTL). The BOT operator has developed a first phase of 6 MTPA during 2010-11. However, due to ban on export of Iron Ore, the terminal was never put into use. A decision with respect to Modification of existing Iron Ore Terminal on “as is where is” to also handle Common User Coal, is being contemplated. After obtaining necessary approvals from Government, KPL initiated action for re- bidding process. During RFP process, the existing Concessionaire SIOTL only participated and has quoted the Revenue Share of 52.524% which is equal to the Common User Coal Terminal. Letter of Intent was issued on 02.06.2016 and the License Agreement was signed on 11.07.2016 between KPL and SIOTL.
KPL has granted the Zero date for Modification of Iron Ore terminal work from 20.07.2018. The modification work will be commenced during the last quarter of 2018-19 and expected date of commissioning by 4th quarter of 2019-20. After completion, the modification of Iron Ore Terminal capacity is 12MTPA.